Wednesday, February 27, 2008

News Update - Tamara

Received more info from Tamara on the current Memory Books tour, here are the highlights she passed along.

The training at McCord/Sinikithemba Clinic for social workers, child psychologists, etc went very well with 20 in attendance.

Yesterday training at Lily Community Center was conducted with 40 house mothers from Lily and the local Mophela area. Tamara expressed there was a whole lot of unresolved grief that the "gogo's" were carrying for their grandchildren.

Both sites were tremendous and we feel very pleased to have planted the Memory Book and grief counseling seeds.

Tamara is currently at Adam's Mission with Lungile for the last three Memory Book Clubs. She will give them three tubs of supplies for use at Sinikithemba to use in the play area.

While at Lily Tamara browsed the memory books. "Whew!, a lump grew in my throat seeing how precious they are." Some children have already done their hand prints project. The volunteers are doing such a tremendous job organizing them. They already have stored their crowns in their books as well.

Tamara will leave for Cape Town on Sunday, Mar 2nd. She also expresses her continued thanks to Malcolm and Bev who have been wonderful, oh and Chloe, who is the quintessential therapy dog!